Circular Business Model

Circular Finance

Circular Communication

New Work Organics

We support you all around your business model in a simple and effective way. We (co-)­develop sustainable value propositions for you. We build prototypes to test the market and quickly find out where it could be worthwhile to build a whole business model based on the value proposition. And we figure out how to get there.

We can accompany you at every stage of innovation: at the beginning, in the middle or during the implementation of your business model for the circular economy. We can also improve parts of your existing business model and make them more sustainable. Or we can rethink the big picture from the ground up, validate it and help to build it up with agile methods.

A wide range of industries is suitable for circular economy. Successful companies that have already integrated circularity in their business models include Trigema (clothing), Veja (sneakers), MUD Jeans, Desso (carpets), Werner & Mertz (“Frosch” cleaning products) and numerous food producers that have been awarded the “Demeter” label.

We will translate your business model into numbers and find out how to make your sustainable business model economically viable: For which value proposition are your customers willing to pay for? How do cost and revenue models relate to one another in your business?

With a focus on financial planning and controlling for start-ups, we provide you with holistic support in the context of your business model. We consider all aspects of your organization by combining financial, operational and strategic planning.

Our goal is your sustainable success. Eco-social companies and companies operating according to the principles of the circular economy must also be economically viable. Especially the management of resource cycles makes Circular Finance a complex field. We navigate you through this complexity.

We point out the benefits and advantages of your products and services and make them intelligible for your customers and investors – with words and visually. We communicate the complex and multi-layered value propositions of your innovations to your stakeholders with the right blend of information and emotion.

We develop interaction designs to suit your company: the combination of communicative rules, processes and tools that link all the elements and players in your business model. Resource cycles offer and need numerous points of contact with customers and partners. We make sure that you use the communicative opportunities of the circular economy as an advantage.

Words conjure up worlds. We convey the core of your company with exciting storytelling to show the world who you are, what you stand for and why you offer something that makes sense. How does it feel to be in contact with you? With Corporate Language we develop a wording and style that fits your organization and reaches your target groups. With Naming we develop names and new words for your products, brands and services.

We support you with words and deeds all around your organisation, talents, structures and the development of new locations. We support you in creating an organization that attracts talent and we develop transformable organizational structures that best support and realize your business model. Model and practical implementation can only succeed in close coordination.

Depending on your needs, phase and area, we structure organizational chaos in a meaningful and growth-oriented way. Or we create creative spaces in solidified structures to enable more innovation and promote the right culture for it.

In individual projects we can, for example, we build up an ideal organisational basis for you with regard to rapid growth that is both solid and adaptable. With a process review and redesign, we can help you to harmonize internal processes and achieve your goals more effectively.

Go circular – go future!

Here we are at your service

The first hour of consultation is free